In this article through, we are going to know about how can we clear our mind of unwanted Thoughts permanently. So many of you complain when I'm meditating, when I'm studying, there are so many thoughts popping inside our mind. I cannot stop it. I'm worried. What can I do?
Well, the reason for this problem is we are looking at the meditation and we are looking at our mind in a wrong way. Always remember, meditation is not about emptying your mind. You can meditate while having thoughts inside your mind. That is the most wonderful thing about meditation. You should know, you don't want to empty your mind. You should know, you don't want to close the mind and let not other thoughts come in. No. Just try this to yourself.
If you try to stop thoughts, what will happen? The nature of your mind is it will generate more thoughts again and again. That is the nature of your mind. Because we don't know that trying to stop thoughts is also a thought. So remember, meditation is not about stopping thoughts. It is about being aware of your thoughts. There is one practice in Buddhist teachings, it is called Chittanupassana..
Chittanupassana: Being Aware of Thoughts
In Chittanupasana, Buddha introduced us to a wonderful meditation of being aware of what comes into your mind. Let the thoughts come into your mind, but be aware of it. Because most of the time, we are not aware of what is going inside our mind. That is the problem. That is why we get caught to these unwholesome thoughts like greediness, craving, anger, hatred and lot of things, because we don't know what is going inside our mind. The Buddha introduces us this meditation to be aware of what is coming into your mind. Let's say a lustful thought came to your mind, It's okay. Everyone feels lust. Everyone feels this craving and desire inside their mind.
The problem with most people is they don't know that their mind is under desire, under lust. But if you can be mindful, if you can detect when the lust arises, this is a lustful thought that is popping inside my mind. If you can detect it, if you can identify it, then the nature of your mind is once you identify your thoughts, once you are aware of that thought, it will start to be silent, It is something like a little baby.
Look at your mind like a little baby, Now, when we are not aware of the babies, what they are doing? They are doing a lot of nasty things, They are doing a lot of naughty things. Why? Because we are not aware of them. But once we pay our attention, they try to behave, Because they know that my parent or these elders, are being aware of me. so they try to be disciplined and also, you know, the nature of little kids is they are very curious. So does the Mind is very curious. It likes to cling into certain things and like to search certain things.
So what we can do to quiet our mind or to pause inside our mind is just to pay attention to what comes into your mind. Don't try to stop it. The more you try to stop it, the more it will come. So what we have to do, just be aware of it. When you become aware of what is going inside your mind, you bring your mind to this present moment. Because these thoughts and everything that goes inside your mind happening in this present moment. If you can see the appearance of the thoughts and if you can see the passing away or fading away of the thoughts, it will start to get quieter.
So when your mind is busy, in the next time, try this. When your mind is busy, when a lot of thoughts come into your mind, just try to identify one thought Look at your mind like you're looking at an external thing, and try to identify one thought. When it arise, you can identify, okay, it is arising now.
When it fades away, okay, you're knowing and you are understanding that this thought is fading away. Once you do that, it is very amazing that your mind gets silent and quieter even more. So this is how we can clear and quiet our mind when we do meditations or when we are doing certain things in our life. So keep this advice in your life and practice it.
Thank you for reading this article ♥️
Have A GREAT DAY TO ALL 🙏 Gyanalokhub