Let's talk about how to have a better sleep and a healthy sleep. Now sleep is something that we all struggled and we all have struggled in all of our lives, and there are many people in this world who struggle with sleeping. They go to bed and they don't find sleep. Sometimes they wake up in the middle of the night for no reason. sometimes when they wake up in the morning, they feel miserable and tired even more. So there are a lot of problems with sleep. So in this blog post, I am going to share with you three tips that we monks practice in order to have a better sleep. This is in our daily routine.
The first thing that you have to do is to wind down for your bed. That means sleep is something that we have to approach gradually and peacefully. It's like you're getting ready for an occasion, Now, before for an occasion, maybe an Interview or a meeting, what do you do? You get ready, You get your clothes done, you get your documents done, and you get ready for it. Same like that. Sleep is an Important occasion in our day, So what we have to do, we have to get ready for it.
So how can we get ready? So here are a few things that you can practice to wind down for your bed. The first thing that you have to do is to have a light meal for your dinner. Now for the monks, this is not a problem because we don't have our dinner. We only have two meals per day, Some monks have one meal per day. Normally we have two meals per day, that is breakfast and lunch. We don't have the dinner, So have a light meal for your dinner and eat at least four to three hours before the bed, before your sleep time. And when you do this, your digestion is over and it is finished and it is at rest. Now you can go to the bed peacefully and drink enough water before you go to bed and also, this is something that many people do, Do not bring your mobile phone or laptop or any device that you're using to the bed. There are many people who use, There are thousands of people who use their mobile phone on their bed before sleep. Sometimes you scroll and scroll and scroll and finally you find that it is 1 Am or 2 Am in the night. Don't do that. So what do you have to do? Avoid as much as possible this screen time. Blue light screen and everything avoid them. Because these screens and these lights stimulates our brain. If you can be relaxed and listen to a meditation music or a calming music, then that's better. So you have to wind down before sleep and another thing that you can do is to have a shower. If it is a cold shower, then it is much better Or if you cannot have a cold shower, then have a lukewarm water shower. Cleaning your body will help you to wind down and then you feel, then even your mind feel peaceful. So this is how we wind down for our bed.
Tip number two is to practice the gratitude. Now we monks, when we go to the bed, We just sit on the bed and we close our eyes and think the people and we recall all the people who have helped in our life. They may be your parents, they may be your relatives, your husband, your wife, your children, or there are certain things that we feel grateful for. So what do you have to do?. Be grateful for them, Simply say thank you for all of them, Remember and recall all the people who have helped you in your way, in your life journey, and be thankful for them in your mind. That is something that we can do because gratitude is a Powerful emotion, if you generate it, you feel the happiness within your mind and it will help you to have a peaceful sleep. So tip number two is to practice gratitude.
Finally, tip number three, what you have to do is to recall a good deed that you have done earlier. This Is something that I personally do every day before I'm going to bed. I recall all the good deeds that I have done during the day, good things that I have done during the day and also I recall the things, good things that I have done in the past. So it is always good to keep one good deed or few good deeds in your mind that you have done in the past to make you feel happy. When you recall them, you can feel happy about them..
I personally have two good deeds in my life. Among every other good deed, these two good deeds help me a lot to feel much more happy. They may be not big things, but you feel so much happy when you think that you have done it. It can be a little act of kindness, It can be giving some little food to an animal or a person that makes you feel happy before every time you go to bed, what you have to do is to recall all the good deeds, good things that you have done in the past. Now when you do this, you will feel a very positive self-esteem in your mind, You feel that your life is worthy and you have done good deeds, You are a good person because there are many people, they go to bed regretting about their life.
Remember, no matter how hard or tough your life becomes, there is always positive things in your life. There are always good things that you have done in your life. The only thing that we have to do is to recall them. The more we remember the good things that we have done, the more we become happy. That is one result of doing good things. So these are the few things that we can do to practice to have a better and a healthy sleep.
what you have to do is first thing, wind down, relax your mind before you go to bed. Number two, practice gratitude. And finally, number three, recall the good things that you have done in your day and in your life. If you do these things and If you practice these things, I can assure that you will have a peaceful and a healthy and a better sleep. So practice these things and have a peaceful night.
Thank you for reading this article ♥️