How to remain peaceful and calm under stressful situations. Stressful and difficult situations are the situations that we all have faced in all of our lives But many of us face these situations in an unsuccessful way. Under difficult circumstances, under stressful situations, we become depressed, sad, and anxious. So, how to remain calm and how to maintain your inner peace?
under these circumstances.
Understanding the Nature of Difficult Situations:
So first of all, we have to know and we have to learn and we have to observe what is the situation. Remember, there is a common nature in all the experiences and situations that we face in our life. What is that common nature? That is called the impermanence. Whatever we encounter and whatever we experience in our life, soon after that has been experienced, it becomes impermanent. Isn't that right?. Yes, it is Now imagine someone is complaining to you about a mistake that you have done or maybe you haven't done. So he's yelling at you.
But the real nature is those words are gone. They have become impermanent. So that is the nature. Understanding about the impermanence, understanding that these experiences and all the things that we face in our life are impermanent is very important to face or to be calm in a difficult situation. Because you know the nature. That is the first step. We need to understand that each and everything that we face in our life is empowering. Whether you face a terrible time, it will become impermeable it will be changed. There will be a good day. Whether you face a good time, a happy time, a wonderful time, that will also be coming. That is the nature.
So first of all you need to understand about this. The world is impermanent, our life is Impermanent. Nothing is permanent in this world, not even your problems.
Practicing Calmness in Difficult Situations:
The second step. Whenever you are in a difficult situation, whenever you are in a terrible moment, you need to practice some practices or to do something to remain peaceful and maintain your peacefulness and think of a solution to solve this problem. So how do you do that? Now, many of us during the difficult situations, we become panicked. We freak out. So it is the best thing to do. during a difficult situation is to do some practices to calm our mind. So what we can do to make our minds calm? The best thing that you can do to make your mind calm and peaceful is to do some meditation, Do a little bit of a meditation during that stressful situation. So how to do that? The easiest meditation that you can practice within a stressful situation is to contemplate on your breath.
Contemplating On Breath:
Now, breath is an amazing thing. It changes according to the situation, isn't that right? So when we are in a terrible moment, When we are in a dangerous moment, what is the nature of our breathing pattern? It becomes fast and it becomes shorter. We take short and fast breathing patterns. So what is the nature of our breathing pattern? pattern that when we go to sleep, what do we do normally? I think most of you have experienced this. When you go to bed and when you lie down, breath in and let it go. you take a deep That is a sign that your body shows that you are going to rest.
So if you need to become peaceful and serene and tranquilized, you need to restructure your breath. So in a difficult and terrible and stressful situation, just take deep breaths in. You can do it Breathe in deeply and let it and contemplate on the pattern of your breathing. Now you can do this, but this needs a little bit of a practice, You cannot do it without a practice.
First of all, you need to practice this. some people may question now, I cannot do this in a difficult situation, Yes, you cannot do it because you don't have that practice.
First of all, you need to practice this contemplation and this practice where there is no stressful situations. That is the thing. The nature of these practices is that if you do it whenever there is no problem, then it will help you to practice that way or the situation or that remedy during a stressful situation.
Practice for Peaceful Mind
There's a great saying that it says, if you sweat during the times of peace, you will bleed less during the times of war. That means, if you practice during the times of peaceful situations and where there is no stressful situations, it will help, that practice will help you to face the difficult situations. Practice at least five minutes a day to contemplate on your breath. you can feel the way that you are breathing. It will help you to tranquilize your mind. Supreme Buddha said, If you need to stop the chattering mind, if you need to stop the thoughts that are popping up all the time that inside your mind, just Practice the Anapanasati or which we call the breathing meditation, the breathing meditation.
Emplate on When you contemplate your mind on this breathing pattern, you are focusing your mind to inhale and to the exhale. That means your mind jumps from one thought to another, but there is only two thoughts. Inhale and exhale. You are not thinking about anything else. That means you reduced thousands and millions of thoughts to two thoughts. So that is a big thing. So if you do it as a practice, you will feel that your mind will become more and more peaceful and tranquilized. So whenever you face a difficult and stressful situation, Try to take deep breaths, feel deep breaths in and let them go and it will make you feel better. So if you need to face a difficult situation, if you need to face a stressful situation successfully, you have to be ready for that situation where there is no stress. So that is how you face the difficult situations without being distracted. And also, as an extra thing, you have to practice.
Practicing Love, Kindness, and Forgiveness:
The love and kindness and also you have to practice the forgiveness. If you can practice these great qualities like compassion, love and kindness, especially forgiveness, you can maintain your peacefulness. Because when you forgive people, as an example, when you forgive people, that means you are letting go of them, The more you forgive, the more you will feel the peacefulness within. But forgiveness does not mean that you are going to fall into the same trap again and again for them. You forgive for yourself and you know that person and you can stay away from them in a positive way and you can still be kind to them. Because kindness and forgiveness starts within your heart and it will help you always.
So practice these practices in the times where there are no stress and disturbing situations. one day, when you master them, one day you can maintain your peacefulness within yourself without being distracted.